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The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze the research examining the effects of team learning behavior on team performance. In addition, team size, team type and study setting were investigated as potential moderators of the relationship between team learning behavior and team performance. In total, the database consisted of 21 effect sizes of 17 studies. They were analyzed by using Hunter & Schmidt (2004) meta-analytic procedure. The results indicated that team learning behavior was positively related to team performance and team innovation. The findings suggested that team size, team type, and study setting moderate the relationship of team learning behavior to team performance. The relationship of team learning behavior and team performance was stronger in small teams than in medium and large teams. The stronger relationship of team learning to team performance in project teams was found. Finally, the stronger relationship of team learning behavior to team performance in academic setting than organizational setting was shown. However, in small teams and the academic setting the number of independent studies was less than 5, so it was important to interpret with caution. The implication and limitations of this research were discussed.
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