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The Relationship of Work Overload and Unreasonable Organizational Climate to Emotional Exhaustion and Mediating Effects of Psychological Detachment


The purpose of the present study was to examine whether work overload and unreasonable organizational climate have significant relationship with emotional exhaustion. The present study also attempted to find out whether psychological detachment has mediating effects on the relationship. Psychological detachment refers to an individual's experience of being mentally away from work, to make a pause in thinking about work-related issues, thus to “switch off”. Previous research has suggested that psychological detachment from work during off-job time is important in order to recover from stress encountered at the job. Data were collected from 234 workers employed in a variety of organizations. It was found that work overload and unreasonable organizational climate were significantly associated with low psychological detachment and high emotional exhaustion. In addition, psychological detachment had mediating effects on the relationship of work overload and unreasonable organizational climate to emotional exhaustion.

Psychological detachment from work, Job stress, Work overload, Unreasonable organizational climate, Emotional exhaustion, 일과의 심리적 분리, 직무스트레스, 직무과부하, 비합리적인 조직문화, 정서적 소진



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