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An exploratory investigation on conflicts between physicians and nurses: Types, causes, and asymmetry


This study investigated on the conflict types, causes, and asymmetry, which can be witnessed between physicians and nurses who are the essential members of the hospital. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews of physicians and nurses who worked within the same department. The results of this exploratory research illustrated significant indications of task conflicts, relationship conflicts, and process conflicts, in accordance with Jehn’s(1997) study, among the two professions. Furthermore, there were some conflicts related to the typical in-role behavior caused by factors such as misperformance due to the lack of knowledge/skill and the partial completion or nonexecution of order along both occupations. Additionally, indications of conflict type asymmetry between physicians and nurses resulting from the differences of power and perception, and asymmetry on conflict causes even when experiencing the same type of conflict existed. The implications and the limitations of this study with invitation of suggestions to remedy such conflicts are discussed.

physician-nurse relationships, cooperation, conflict cause, conflict asymmetry, 의사와 간호사 관계, 협력, 갈등 원인, 갈등 비대칭성



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