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The Relationship between Proactive Personality and Creative Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Learning Goal Orientation and Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy, Organizational Climate, and Supervisor Support


The purposes of this study were to examine the influence of proactive personality on creative behavior, the mediating effect of learning goal orientation in the relationship between proactive personality and creative behavior, the moderating effect of creative self-efficacy in the relationship between proactive personality and learning goal orientation, the moderating effects of organizational creative climate and supervisor support for creativity in the relationship between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Data were gathered from 330 employees who were working in one organization in Korea. To reduce the effect from the common method bias, the creative behavior was rated by others(three hundred and thirty peers, subordinates, and supervisors). As a result, learning goal orientation partially mediated the relationships between proactive personality and creative behavior. Creative self-efficacy moderated the relationship between proactive personality and learning goal orientation. Organizational creative climate moderated the relationship between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Also supervisor support for creativity had a moderating effect between learning goal orientation and creative behavior. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.

주도적 성격, 학습목표지향성, 창의적 행동, 창의적 자기효능감, 창의적 조직풍토, 창의성에 대한 상사의 지원, proactive personality, learning goal orientation, creative behavior, creative self-efficacy, organizational creative climate, supervisor support for creativity



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