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Impacts of secure attachment, 5 factor personality, future time perspective on productive ageing


It is hope and need of society that most of people will keep their life productive after becoming elderly. In this study, we want to find demographic-sociological and psychological determinants for productive ageing. In our study, productive ageing were constructed as 4 factors, goal pursuit activities, career development activities, family support activities, and society volunteering activities. We collected data from 471 elderly beyond 65. Sex, age, spouse existence, income by month, education, work or non-work, working time were correlated significantly with productive ageing. And openness to experience and conscientious personality, secure attachment, and future time perspective were correlated significantly with productive ageing. Especially, big five personality and future time perspective impacted significantly on productive ageing after controling demographic-sociological factors through hierarchical regression analysis. Openness to experience and future time perspective were important consistently for all productive ageing activities. When we analyzed causal relationship among openness to experience, secure attachment, future time perspective and productive ageing through AMOS, future time perspective mediated relationship between openness to experience and productive ageing, and relationship between secure attachment and productive ageing. Also, openness to experience, secure attachment, and time perspective all had a big impact on productive ageing directly.

생산적 노년, 목표추구, 경력개발, 가족지원, 자원봉사, 5요인성격, 경험에 대한 개방성, 안전애착, 미래시간관점, Productive ageing, Goal pursuit, Career development, Family support, Volunteering, Big five personality, Openness to experience, Secure attachment, Future time perspective



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