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The first purpose of the study was to examine the mediating effect of work engagement and job satisfaction on the relationship between work values and organizational commitment. And the second purpose was to examine the moderating effect of person-organization fit on the relationship of work values and work engagement, organizational commitment. The survey data were gathered from 253 employees in Korea. As results, intrinsic work values had more positive effects on organizational commitment than extrinsic work values. Work engagement and job satisfaction sequentially mediated in the relationship between intrinsic/extrinsic work values and organizational commitment. Also, person- organization fit did not moderate the association between intrinsic/extrinsic work values and work engagement, but person-organization fit had moderating effect on the link between intrinsic/extrinsic work values and organizational commitment. This results indicated that the relation of intrinsic work values to organizational commitment was stronger when person-organization fit was high than low. The relation of extrinsic work values to organizational commitment was positive when person-organization fit was high, but the relation was negative when person-organization fit was low. Implications and directions for the future research were discussed.
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