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The Influence of the ROK Army Junior Leader’s Relationship Conflict and Fear of Negative Evaluation on Defensive Silence: The Moderated Mediating Effect of Collective Self-Esteem


The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of ROK Army junior leader’s relationship conflict and fear of negative evaluation (FNE) on defensive silence and to specifically examine the mediating effect of FNE on the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. The secondary purpose of this study was to identify the moderating effect of collective self-esteem (CSE) on the relationship between FNE and defensive silence and the moderated mediating effect of CSE on the conditional direct effect of FNE. A total of 202 ROK Army junior leaders participated in this survey and we measured relationship conflict, FNE, defensive silence, and CSE. Using IBM SPSS 21.0 program, results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that relationship conflict was positively related to FNE and FNE was positively related to defensive silence. FNE partially mediated the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. Also, the moderating effect of CSE on the relationship between FNE and defensive silence was significant, suggesting that the relationship between FNE and defensive silence was stronger when CSE was low than high. Additionally, the moderated mediating effect was significant, suggesting that CSE moderated the mediating effect of FNE on the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. Lastly, the results, implications, limitations, and future research directions of this study were discussed.

ROK Army Junior Leader, Relationship Conflict, Fear of Negative Evaluation, Defensive Silence, Collective Self-Esteem, Moderated Mediation, 육군 초급간부, 관계갈등, 부정적 평가에 대한 두려움, 방어적 침묵, 집단자존감, 조절된 매개효과



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