open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of ROK Army junior leader’s relationship conflict and fear of negative evaluation (FNE) on defensive silence and to specifically examine the mediating effect of FNE on the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. The secondary purpose of this study was to identify the moderating effect of collective self-esteem (CSE) on the relationship between FNE and defensive silence and the moderated mediating effect of CSE on the conditional direct effect of FNE. A total of 202 ROK Army junior leaders participated in this survey and we measured relationship conflict, FNE, defensive silence, and CSE. Using IBM SPSS 21.0 program, results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that relationship conflict was positively related to FNE and FNE was positively related to defensive silence. FNE partially mediated the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. Also, the moderating effect of CSE on the relationship between FNE and defensive silence was significant, suggesting that the relationship between FNE and defensive silence was stronger when CSE was low than high. Additionally, the moderated mediating effect was significant, suggesting that CSE moderated the mediating effect of FNE on the relationship between relationship conflict and defensive silence. Lastly, the results, implications, limitations, and future research directions of this study were discussed.
This study investigated the moderating effects of psychological empowerment on the relationships between person-job (P-J) fit and turnover intention. P-J fit was measured using demands-abilities (D-A) fit on two job dimensions: social interaction and leadership. Psychological empowerment was assessed using four sub-types: meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact. First, we investigated whether mismatch between job demands and personal abilities would be related to increased turnover intention. We also examined whether psychological empowerment would mitigate these relationships. Data were collected from 415 full-time workers. The results from polynomial regressions showed that the relationships of D-A fit with turnover intention were different depending on the direction and the dimensions of misfit. The interaction between D-A fit and psychological empowerment was found as expected in seven out of eight cases in total, except for the interaction between D-A fit in social interaction and competence. These results imply that psychological empowerment, as a job resource, could ameliorate the negative impacts of P-J misfit on turnover intention.
The purpose of this study was to find the meaning of psychological adaptability in uncertain work environment. At first, we verified mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between role ambiguity and turnover intention. To this mediating effect model, then, we added adaptability for uncertainty as an antecedent variable: a serial multiple mediating effect of role ambiguity and job satisfaction. The mediating effect of job satisfaction was verified and the serial multiple mediation effect of role ambiguity and job satisfaction was significant as well as the direct effect of adaptability for uncertainty on turnover intention. In addition, role ambiguity had mediation effect between adaptability and turnover intention, but job satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between adaptability for uncertainty and turnover intention. These results mean that, on the one hand, adaptability for uncertainty reduces turnover intention directly, and on the other hand, indirectly through role ambiguity alone or role ambiguity and job satisfaction in serial. The implication and limitations of this study were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of goal orientation in the relationship between employee’s perfectionism and active-passive procrastination. Data were collected from 227 Korean employees who were working in various organization. First, the results indicated that there were significantly positive relationship between personal-standards perfectionism and learning goal orientation, and significantly negative relationship between personal-standards perfectionism and avoiding goal orientation. On the other hand, there were negative relationship between evaluative concerns perfectionism and learning goal orientation, and positive relationship between evaluative concerns perfectionism and avoiding goal orientation. Second, the learning goal orientation positively related with active procrastination and negatively related with passive procrastination. On the other hand, the avoiding goal orientation positively related with passive procrastination and negatively related with active procrastination. Third, there were full mediating effects of avoiding goal orientation in the relationship between perfectionism and active-passive procrastination. Based on the results, we discussed the implications and limitations of the study, and the directions for the future research.
This study was designed to examine the effects of strengths coaching program on strengths self efficacy, positive affect, self efficacy, work engagement, and organizational commitment based on Korean employees. Participants were 43 Korean employees, 21 for the experiment group and 22 for the control group. Data were collected across three times(pre, post, follow-up). To measure overall effects, strengths self efficacy, positive affect, self efficacy, work engagement and organizational commitment were measured. Results showed that there were significant interaction effects between time interval and groups for all the dependent variables, confirming the effects of the coaching program. Also, there were non significant effects of time interval(post and follow-up) for all the dependent variables, confirming the duration of the program effect across time. Finally, implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
This research aims to study the effects of sympathy module and positive psychological capital on teacher's job satisfaction and happiness. The research was conducted to seek a way to improve quality of teacher's lives, precondition of education for teachers and students' happiness, with 249 teachers of public kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools in Daejeon city. The data was collected based on questionnaires consisting of some scales such as sympathy module, psychological capital, job satisfaction and happiness. In statistical analysis, reliability and validity on that scale were conducted through internal consistency coefficient and factor analysis, the relationship among 4 scales was found through correlation analysis and the difference between their job satisfaction and happiness by sympathy module and psychological capitals was seen by performing the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The research result shows that hypothesis Ⅰ'teacher group with affective sympathetic module has more job satisfaction than that group with reasonable sympathetic module' and hypothesis Ⅱ 'teacher group with higher levels of psychological capital has more job satisfaction than that group with lower levels of one' were supported. However, the result indicated that hypothesis Ⅲ 'teacher group with affective sympathetic module and higher levels of psychological capital has more job satisfaction than the other group was not supported. Furthermore, hypothesis Ⅳ'teacher group with affective sympathy module has higher level of happiness than that group with reasonable sympathetic module and hypothesis Ⅴ' teacher group with higher levels of psychological capital has more happiness than that group with lower one were supported. However, the result found that hypothesis Ⅵ 'teacher group with affective sympathetic module and higher levels of psychological capital has more happiness than the other group was not supported. The research result demonstrates that the more affective sympathetic module and improved psychological capital enables to increase teacher's job satisfaction and happiness in exchange and communication process. The result gives an opportunity to seek a variety of education and practical method for more effective sympathetic module and increased psychological capital. In conclusion, limitations and directions for future research were discussed through this research.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the effects of Mental Fitness Positive Psychology; MFPP) program for improvement of adjustment to military life. In the present study, the Mental Fitness program (Kim & Ko, 2009) was adapted for the Korean Army. A total of 78 military soldiers were divided into two groups: the MFPP group (n=35) and control group (n=43). The results of the present study are as follows: relative to the comparison group, the MFPP group showed a significant decrease of military life stress and a significant improvement of adjustment to military life. These results suggest that, in spite of a short-term intervention consisting of 6 weekly sessions, the MFPP program adapted for military soldiers was effective in enhancing soldiers' adjustment to military life. Lastly, the implications of the present study and directions for future research were addressed.
Multilateral negotiation is a difficult task for the amicable settlement because of its structural complexity. Therefore, the strategy of problem solving which is commonly used in bilateral negotiation is not readily applicable. This study tries to find an integrative strategy in multilateral negotiations that brings all win-win benefts rather than competition or coaltion for some. To improve the efficiency of multilateral negotiation, the effects of Goal Setting and Feedback were tested. With the 3 studies it was found that amicalbe netotiation is really difficult if the interest structure is incompatible, higher Goal Setting bring rather negative negotiation results, and feedbacks, which lead to the flexible search to the alternative options, are very helpful for good results. We discussed the theoretical extension and the practical implications of these studies.