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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This research aims to study the effects of sympathy module and positive psychological capital on teacher's job satisfaction and happiness. The research was conducted to seek a way to improve quality of teacher's lives, precondition of education for teachers and students' happiness, with 249 teachers of public kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools in Daejeon city. The data was collected based on questionnaires consisting of some scales such as sympathy module, psychological capital, job satisfaction and happiness. In statistical analysis, reliability and validity on that scale were conducted through internal consistency coefficient and factor analysis, the relationship among 4 scales was found through correlation analysis and the difference between their job satisfaction and happiness by sympathy module and psychological capitals was seen by performing the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The research result shows that hypothesis Ⅰ'teacher group with affective sympathetic module has more job satisfaction than that group with reasonable sympathetic module' and hypothesis Ⅱ 'teacher group with higher levels of psychological capital has more job satisfaction than that group with lower levels of one' were supported. However, the result indicated that hypothesis Ⅲ 'teacher group with affective sympathetic module and higher levels of psychological capital has more job satisfaction than the other group was not supported. Furthermore, hypothesis Ⅳ'teacher group with affective sympathy module has higher level of happiness than that group with reasonable sympathetic module and hypothesis Ⅴ' teacher group with higher levels of psychological capital has more happiness than that group with lower one were supported. However, the result found that hypothesis Ⅵ 'teacher group with affective sympathetic module and higher levels of psychological capital has more happiness than the other group was not supported. The research result demonstrates that the more affective sympathetic module and improved psychological capital enables to increase teacher's job satisfaction and happiness in exchange and communication process. The result gives an opportunity to seek a variety of education and practical method for more effective sympathetic module and increased psychological capital. In conclusion, limitations and directions for future research were discussed through this research.
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