ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among organizational change, job stress, and job insecurity. Specifically, this study investigated the influence of organizational change on job insecurity and job stress that was partially mediated by job insecurity. In addition, this study examined moderating effect of boundaryless career attitude on the relationship between job insecurity and job stress. Data was collected from 317 Korean employees who were working in various organization via online survey, and 287 data was used for analysis without unreliable responses. The findings are as follows: First, there were positive relationship among organizational change, job stress, and job insecurity. Second, the results of structural equaition analysis showed strong support for the proposed model, and the result of bootstrapping analysis supported that the effect of organizational change on job stress is partially mediated by the job insecurity. Third, the results of hierarchial analysis showed that there was no moderating effect of boundaryless career attitude on the relationship between job insecurity and job stress. Finally, implications and limitations of this study with the direction for future research were discussed.
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