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A Study on the predictive validity of Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression: Interaction effect with self-reported measures


The purpose of this study was to examine the channeling model to investigate the interaction effect of implicit measure (Conditional Reasoning Test for Aggression: CRT-A) and self-reported measure of aggression to predict helping behavior. Expatriates who were dispatched to China or India (N=101) participated in this study. To reduce the common method bias, their host country co-workers (N=320) evaluated the expatriates’ helping behavior as a behavioral criterion. The results showed that there was a significance difference in helping behavior among the expatriates who had high CRT-A scores. Specifically, latent aggressive individuals who consciously perceived themselves as being non-aggressive but implicitly rationalized their aggressive behavior were less likely to show helping behavior. The academic implications of the current study, along with suggestions for the future research, were discussed.

Conditional Reasoning Test, Aggression, channeling hypothesis, implicit measurement. helping behavior, 공격성, 조건추론검사, 경로화 가설, 암묵적 측정, 도움행동



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