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Article Detail

The Effect of Person-Job Fit and Age on Service Attitude toward Bad Customers: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Emotional Competency


This study investigated the effect of personal-job fit and age on service attitude toward bad customers and mediating effect of emotional competency. Data were gathered from 175 coffee shop employees by questionnaires. First, correlation analysis revealed significantly positive relationship between person-job fit and emotional competency. Also, there was significantly positive relationship between emotional competency and service attitude toward bad customers. Second, there was significantly positive relationship between age and emotional competency. It was found that emotional competency mediated the relationship between person-job fit and service attitude toward bad customers. Emotional competency also mediated the relationship between age and service attitude toward bad customers. Ba

개인-직무 부합, 연령, 불량고객에 대한 서비스 태도, 정서역량, 커피전문점 종사원, person-job fit, age, service attitude toward bad customers, emotional competency, coffee shop employee



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