open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study aims to emphasize the necessity of exclusive stress management intervention to solve women managers’ stress by exploring the latent stress profile. It is needed to scrutinize stress factors faced by women managers who suffered from the double burden of taking roles in the workplace and at home. We conducted a latent profile analysis to scrutinize the stress types among women managers. First, we significantly derived four profiles depending on the extent of their work and home stress. Second, in the predictor variable, age, the rate of women workers in their teams, and the perception of their supervisors’ gender equality was significantly influenced by the probability of belonging to each profile, while spouses’ employment was insignificant. Finally, in outcome variables, the low profiles for both work and home stress were significantly more satisfied with their personal, family, and professional life than the rest of the profiles. Moreover, they positively perceived the women managers’ overall professional life. based on the results, we provided theoretical and practical implications and discussed research limitations and directions for further research.
연령과 안전 운전 간 관계에 대한 연구는 주로 청년과 고령 운전자 간 비교에 집중되어 왔다. 본 연구는 일반 운전자와 달리 사업용 운전자의 대부분을 차지하고 있는 중년 및 고령 사업용 운전자의 인지기능 차이와 두 집단에서 교통사고를 예측하는 인지 과제가 어떤 것인지 알아보고자 하였다. 40-64세 중년 직업운전자와 65세 이상의 고령 직업운전자를 대상으로 인지 기능을 측정하는 과제가 실시되었으며, 과거 5년간의 교통사고 기록이 종속변인으로 사용되었다. 분석 결과, 브레이크를 밟는 속도로 측정된 Visuomotor Speed (p < .10)를 제외한 모든 인지 과제에서 고령운전자가 중년 운전자보다 유의하게 낮은 수행을 보였다. 또한 중년 운전자 집단에서는 멀티태스킹 과제 중 시각과 운동 과제만이 교통사고에 대한 유의한 예측자였던 반면 고령운전자 집단에서는 Useful Field of View, Spatial Judgment and Visual Working Memory가 유의한 예측자였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 시사점과 추후 연구에 대한 방향성이 논의되었다.
Is the higher the positive organizational variable in the organization, the better? Based on the theory of Pierce and Aguinis (2013), who proposed the Too-much-of-a-good-thing effect, this study is designed to verify how organizational commitment, which was considered a positive organizational variable in organizational studies, affects the organizational effectiveness and the moderating effect of workplace spirituality as a moderating variable in that relationship. In order to achieve this research purpose, a survey was conducted on organizational members working in corporate organizations, and the data of the final 496 people were analyzed. As a result, under the condition of low workplace spirituality, it was confirmed a nonlinear relationship in which job motivation increases and then decreases as over-organizational commitment increases. However, under the condition of high workplace spirituality, a relationship was discovered in which job motivation nonlinearly increases as over-organizational commitment increases. Based on these results, the meaning, implications, and limitations of the study, as well as future studies, are all discussed.
This study investigated the effects of person-organization (P-O) fit and person-group (P-G) fit in terms of the dimension of work and life balance on three facets of work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) using polynomial regressions and response surface graphs. Considering the different environmental characteristics of organization and group, different approaches of supplementary fit and complementary fit were applied to P-O fit and P-G fit, respectively. Participants were 350 South Korean employees whose organization had 50 or more employees and who belonged to a separate department or group. Survey results indicated that dedication decreased on both directions of P-O misfit. In addition, vigor and dedication increased along the congruence line where P-O fit matched at high-high scores rather than low-low scores. As to P-G misfit, none of the coefficients were significant, not supporting the hypothesis. However, absorption increased along the P-G fit, showing a linear relationship. Even though vigor and dedication also increased, their rates of increase decreased exceeding a certain level, showing curvilinear relationships. Our findings suggest that managers may be able to improve dedication by intervening for P-O misfit for work and life balance. Also, results on the congruence line between P-O fit and P-G fit imply different roles of organization and group regarding work engagement. Based on these results, we discussed theoretical and practical implications and suggested future research.
The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of coaching leadership on psychological safety and change-oriented behavior, and how the effect differs depending on the level of future time perspective. Accordingly, the relationship between coaching leadership and change oriented behavior was examined, and the mediating effect of psychological safety in the influence of coaching leadership on change oriented behavior was confirmed. In addition, the moderating effect of future time prospects was confirmed when psychological safety affects change-oriented behavior. Finally, the moderated mediating effect of future time prospects was verified in the mediation of psychological safety in the relationship between coaching leadership and change-oriented behavior. For this purpose, data from 349 Korean office workers were collected through an online survey, and data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and PROCESS Macro. As a result of the study, it was verified that the relationship between coaching leadership and change-oriented behavior was significantly mediated by psychological safety and had a partial mediating effect. Both the moderating effect and the moderated mediating effect of future temporal prospects were significant. Finally, in this study, the implications, limitations, and suggestions derived from the research results were discussed.
This study paid attention to the positive effects of leaders’ work-life balance, focusing on work-life balance, which has recently emerged as an important issue in organizational human resource management. To this end, this study have three research objectives. First, this study examined the mediating effect of leader-member exchange relationship (LMX) by investigating the effect of leader’s work-life balance on LMX and followers’ creativity. Second, this study investigated whether follower’s psychological ownership had a moderating effect on the influence of LMX on the creativity of the subordinates. Finally, this study attempted to verify the mechanism and boundary conditions of the positive effect of the leader’s work-life balance by examining the mediating effect of the LMX and the moderating effect of the follower’s psychological ownership. As a result of hierarchical multiple regression analysis and process macro analysis based on the dyadic data of 156 leaders and followers working in general companies, LMX fully mediated the relationship between leader’s work-life balance and follower creativity, and follower’s psychological ownership significantly moderated the relationship between LMX and creativity, and finally supported the moderated mediation effect hypothesis. This result means that when leaders perceive themselves as having a work-life balance, this positively affects their relationship with their subordinates and creativity, especially when their psychological ownership is low, LMX is more important to their creativity. This has theoretical implications in that it has expanded the antecedents variables of LMX, focusing on the work-life balance of leaders that has not been previously studied. At the same time, it has practical implications in terms of human resource management by showing the positive effect of the leader’s work-life balance.