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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

A Comparison of Positive Illusions in South Koreans and Japanese: Subjective Self and Objective Self

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2009, v.28 no.1, pp.115-146


The purpose of this study is to show an alternative model of cultural self-construals which can explain the differences in self-perception between South Koreans and Japanese. Traditionally accurate perception of self has been regarded as essential to mental health, but some researchers argue that positive illusions (or self-enhancing biases) are general characteristics of human thinking. Self-enhancement is one of the most reliable findings in Western cultures. However, many cross-cultural studies have found little or no such biases in Japan. Therefore, it has been argued that the cultural differences in self-perception reflect cross-culturally divergent view of self as independent (in European American cultures) or as interdependent (in Asian cultures). But this perspective cannot explain the positive illusions that South Koreans have. In order to solve this problem we proposed an alternative model of cultural self-construals: the subjective self of South Koreans vs. the objective self of Japanese. As required for theoretical and construct validity of the self-construals, we found that subjective self-construals were dominant in South Koreans(n = 158) and that objective self-construals were more pronounced in Japanese(n = 131). Also, as we had anticipated, South Koreans showed significantly more false uniqueness, perceived control, and unrealistic optimism than Japanese, and these positive illusions were related to stronger subjective self-construal and weaker objective self-construal for both South Koreans and Japanese. Therefore, we concluded that South Koreans show positive illusions because of their strong subjective self-construals and weak objective self-construals, whereas Japanese show weak or no positive illusions because of their weak subjective self-construals and strong objective self-construals.

긍정적 환상, 주체성-대상성 자기, 허구적 독특성, 지각된 통제감, 비현실적 낙관성, self-construal, subjective self, objective self, positive illusions, self-enhancing biases, self-construal, subjective self, objective self, positive illusions, self-enhancing biases



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General