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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Detection of differential item functioning using structural equation modeling: A comparison of MACS and MIMIC

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2013, v.32 no.4, pp.1023-1052


Two models, MACS and MIMIC, can be used to detect Differential Item Functioning(DIF) in a Structural Equation Modeling framework. Although these two models can be considered as special cases of general Structural Equation Models, they may perform differently in various research contexts due to differences in statistical assumptions and the way in which each model uses data. In particular, since MIMIC model requires some additional assumptions, its performance may decline when those assumptions are not satisfied. Furthermore, the performance of MIMIC model will be superior to that of MACS model when sample sizes vary among groups because the former uses a single dataset including group variable(s), unlike the latter. Although many articles have commented on these predictions, no systematic research comparing the performance of the two models under these circumstances had yet to be conducted. Thus, we investigated the differences in performance of these two models under various conditions, specifically the size of impact, differences in measurement variable reliability, sample size ratio, total sample size, the size of differential item functioning, and the strategy for detecting DIF through a Monte Carlo simulation study. We found that the performance of MIMIC model in detecting uniform DIF did not decline significantly, although one of its additional assumptions was violated. Moreover, MIMIC model was superior to MACS model when sample sizes differed between two groups. Finally, we emphasize the importance of employing appropriate strategies for effective use of the two models to detect uniform DIF.

Differential Item Functioning, Structural Equation Modeling, MACS, MIMIC, 차별문항기능, Differential Item Functioning, 구조방정식모형, MACS, MIMIC



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General