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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Literature Review of Parentification: Focused on Implication in Counseling

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2017, v.36 no.1, pp.61-80


In the present study, we investigated the effects of parentification on individuals in association with psychological aspects and interpersonal relationships. The effects of parentification on individuals seemed to be complicated, as it has been reported that parentification can give both positive and negative influences to the individuals depending on psychological variables. It was postulated that the different results might be due to the age of participants, differences in the questionnaires, regional difference, difference in the parentification level of participants, and etc. However, it was a common point in the studies that having the experiences of parentification gave negative effects on all the variables when children felt it unfair and/or burdensome. The following things should be considered when counseling the clients suffering from the problems resulting from parentification; 1) providing education to the parents as well when children and teenagers receive counseling, 2) helping them relieve the burdensome responsibility for their parents, 3) promoting the competence to realize and express their desires, 4) helping them find out the resources for social supports and diminish shame in their mind, 5) differentiating between their emotional roles and instrumental roles when counseling. Therefore, in the cases of the clients who have the psychological or interpersonal relationship problems, it must be essential to know how the parentification influenced to the clients by analyzing the level and contents of parentification generated from the relationship with their parents. Further studies regarding the experience of parentification are necessary to know what specific processes parentification influences to the individuals through, which will be helpful to understand how the clients have the psychological problems and the difficulties in their interpersonal relationship.

부모화. 상담, 안녕감, 우울, 자아정체감, 대인관계, parentification, counseling, well-being, self-identity, interpersonal relationship



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General