ISSN : 1229-067X
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the level of ageism and depressive mood with examining serial multiple moderating effect of self-perception of physiological and psychosocial aging in three generation groups. Data of the male babyboomer group(N=69), the male young-old group(N=151) and the male old-old group(N=63) were analysed. They were asked to fill out a set of questionnaire which includes Ageism Survey, short form of CES-D, Aging Perceptions Questionnaire, and Self-Perceived Adverse Age-Change Scale. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Significant group differences were found on perception of physiological aging, psychosocial aging and depressive mood. (2) Expect for relationships between generation groups & ageism, and ageism & perception of physiological aging, all variables were significantly positively related. (3) In the male babyboomer generation, indirect effect of ‘physiological aging → psycho-social aging → depressive mood’ and direct effect of ‘physiological aging → depressive mood’ were significant. In the male young-old and the old-old generations, indirect effect of ‘ageism → psycho-social aging → depressive mood’ were significant. Also, physiological aging showed tendencies with different patterns in these two generation groups. This study provides implications for socio-historical generational differences in the face of existential threat.
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