ISSN : 1229-067X
Although most psychological research has implications for real-life problems, it is still very rare in Korea for psychology to be directly applied to solving social problems. To address this issue, it would be helpful to examine how behavioral economics, which has recently gained much attention at home and abroad, is being used to solve social problems. With respect to studying human thinking and behavior, behavioral economics has a lot in common with psychology in the role they can play in the public sector, and can complement each other for the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of public policy. In this paper, we consider the possibilities of applying psychology to solving social problems, especially public policy issues. First, we review how behavioral science, including behavioral economics and psychology, has been used in formulation of public policy in major developed countries over the last decade and present major examples. Then we examine the situation in Korea whereby introduction of both psychology and behavioral economics into public policy is slow, and contemplate on its causes. Lastly, we consider what our discipline needs to do to contribute to advancement of public welfare in Korean society. We expect that this article will stimulate discussion of those interested in solving social problems through psychology.
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