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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
Drawing on the core-self evaluation literature, this study compares and integrates how the theoretical perspectives to motivational potentials differently affects relationships among core-self evaluation, cognitive ability and outcomes such as job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and objective job performance measures. Core-self evaluation (CSE) was assumed to be a broad personality concept manifested in four specific traits: self-esteem, self-efficacy, internal locus of control, and neuroticism. A strength of this study is to compare effects of core-self evaluation and general mental ability (g factor) to the objective performance in the line of financial services. Using data collected from financial tellers at a Korean big company, the proposed hypotheses receive support in that core-self evaluation are strongly associated with job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Interestingly, results indicate that CSE is related to objective performance measures for financial services via the work environment contingent on different levels of motivational potentials. Results also indicate that cognitive ability hardly affects job satisfaction and life satisfaction compared with CSE. Theoretical implications to the core-self evaluation literature are discussed along with practical suggestions to manager that are responsible for employee management.
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