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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study were preformed for two purposes. The first is to develop a Korean vocational interest inventory based on Holland theory(short version) and second is to investigate of Holland's hypotheses(circular order and circumplex). With a sample of 149 high school students(male 58, female 91) and 224 college students(male 132, female 92), the main results were as follows. First, the scale which developed as 72 items in this study has shown acceptable reliabilities and construct validities, that is, this short form interest inventory could be used to verify student's vocational interest in conjunction with existing inventories. Second, the radnomization test using RANDALL(Tracey, 1997) has shown that the circular order hypothesis were supported. Third, in the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the modle that Holland's circumplex hypothesis was not adapted, has had better fit(TLI, RMSEA) than the model which Holland's circumplex hypothesis was adapted. Forth, the results of MDS showed the RIASEC interest types could be explained well through Sociaility and Confirmity of Hogan(1983). In summary, Holland's circular order hypothesis was supported but the circumplex hypothesis was not supported to Korean student's data. Finally, the implications and limitations were discussed.
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