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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among coaching leadership, contextual performance and creative behavior. Specifically, This study investigated not only the main effect of leader’s coaching leadership on subordinate's contextual performance and creative behavior, but also the role of organizational virtuousness and learning goal orientation on moderating these relationships. Survey was conducted to 250 employees working for 3 months at various korean companies. After elimination of inadequate data, 220 data were obtained for statistical analysis. Three steps of analysis procedures were carried out. First, factor analyses were conducted for identifying dimensions of coaching leadership, contextual performance, and organizational virtuousness. The results showed that factor structures of each of the variables were identical to those of previous studies. Second, the results of correlation analyses showed that coaching leadership was positively related to both contextual performance and creative behavior. Third, the results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that while organizational virtuousness moderated the relationship between coaching leadership and contextual performance, learning goal orientation did not moderated the relationship between coaching leadership and creative behavior. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed on the basis of the results.
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