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The Effect of Job Autonomy on Innovation Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction and Moderating Effects of Personality and Climate for Innovation


The first purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between job autonomy and innovation behavior. The second purpose was to examine the moderating effect of proactive personality and openness to experience on the relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction, And the third purpose was to examine the moderating effects of climate for innovation on the relationship between job satisfaction and innovation behavior. Data were gathered from 338 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. As results, job autonomy had positive relationship with job satisfaction and innovation behavior, and job satisfaction had mediation effect on the relationship between job autonomy and innovation behavior. Proactive personality and openness to experience had moderating effects on the relationship job autonomy and job satisfaction because the relationship was more positive when proactive personality and openness to experience was high than low. Also climate for innovation had moderating effect on the relationship job satisfaction and innovation behavior because the relationship was more positive when climate for innovation was high than low. The implications for research and practice, limitations, and future research tasks were discussed.

직무자율성, 직무만족, 혁신행동, 주도성, 개방성, 조직혁신풍토, Job Autonomy, Job Satisfaction, Innovation Behavior, Proactive Personality, Openness to Experience, Climate for Innovation



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