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Emotional Intelligence and Adaptive Performance: The Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy and the Moderating Effects of Change Leadership and Climate for Innovation


The purposes of this study were to examine the influence of emotional intelligence on adaptive performance, the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptive performance, and the moderating effects of change leadership and climate for innovation on the relationship between self-efficacy and adaptive performance. Data were gathered from 198 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. To reduce the effect from common method bias, the adaptive performance was rated by both self and others(one hundred and ninety-eight peers or supervisors). As results, there was significantly positive relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptive performance. Self-efficacy partially mediated the relationships between emotional intelligence and self-rating adaptive performance, and fully mediated the relationships between emotional intelligence and other-rating adaptive performance. Change leadership moderated the relationship between self-efficacy and other-rating adaptive performance because the relationship was more positive when change leadership was high than low. Also climate for innovation had the moderating effect on the relationship self-efficacy and both self-rating and other-rating adaptive performance because the relationship was more positive when climate for innovation was high than low. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.

정서지능, 적응수행, 자기효능감, 상사의 변화리더십, 조직혁신풍토, 타인평정, emotional intelligence, adaptive performance, self-efficacy, change leadership, climate for innovation



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