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The effect of perfectionism on job burnout and professional efficacy: A mediation effect of goal orientations


We examined the mediational role of goal orientations in the relations between two perfectionism dimensions(i.e., evaluative concerns and personal standards) and job burnout and professional efficacy. Survey data from a total of two hundred seventy four employees of a call center and a R&D organization showed that personal standards, a positive aspect of perfectionism, was positively related to profession efficacy, while evaluative concerns, a negative aspect of perfectionism, was also positively related to job burnout. Furthermore, each of the relations was mediated by learning goal orientation and avoiding goal orientation, respectively. The theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research were discussed.

Perfectionism, Job burnout, Professional efficacy, State goal orientation, Learning goal orientation, Avoiding goal orientation, Mediation, 완벽주의, 직무 탈진, 직업 효능감, 상태 목표지향성, 학습 목표지향성, 회피 목표지향성, 매개효과



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