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The Nonlinear Relationships Between Personality Traits and Job Performance: Moderating Effect of Job Creativity


The first purpose of this study was to examine the nonlinear relationships between personality traits (conscientiousness and emotional stability) and job performance(task performance and contextual performance). The second purpose was to examine the difference of inflection points in the nonlinear relationships between conscientiousness's narrow traits(achievement and dependability) and task performance. And the third purpose was to examine the moderating effect of job creativity on the nonlinear relationship between conscientiousness and task performance. Data were gathered from 211 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. To reduce the effect from common method bias, task performance and contextual performance were rated by others(peers or supervisors). As results, there were significant nonlinear relationships between conscientiousness and job performance(task performance and contextual performance), and significant nonlinear relationship between emotional stability and task performance. But there was no nonlinear relationship between emotional stability and contextual performance. The inflection points in the nonlinear relationships between the conscientiousness's narrow traits(achievement and dependability) and task performance were different. Job creativity moderated the nonlinear relationship between conscientiousness and task performance. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.

conscientiousness, emotional stability, task performance, contextual performance, job creativity, conscientiousness' narrow traits, 성실성, 정서적 안정성, 과업수행, 맥락수행, 직무창의성, 성실성의 하위요인, 타인평정



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