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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to explore interation effects of leadership styles and team type on team effectiveness. 216 experimental participants were assigned to each experimental conditions according to 2 (type of team: face to face team vs. virtual team) × 3(leadership styles: transformational leadership vs. transactional leadership vs. laissez-faire leadership) factorial experimental design. As 7 participants were excepted because of incredible behaviors during experiment, finally data obtained from 209 participants were statistically analysed. 6 confederates played role as one leader's style according the script described leader's behavior in face to face team or virtual team. The results of 2-way ANOVA, the interaction effect of team type and leadership styles on the team effectiveness was statistically significant. Level of task effectiveness and team satisfaction of transformational leadership in virtual team were higher than other conditions. Thus, These results implied that transformational leadership will be superior than other leadership styles among various type virtual work teams in 21th century as a knowledge based society. The meaning of this study was to use the laboratory experimental design for examining differential effects of leadership styles in the face to face team and virtual team. Finally limitations of this study and tasks for future study were discussed.
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