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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between POPs, OJ, OCB, BJW and LPS. Also, this study examined the mediating effect of OJ on the relationship between POPs and OCB. And this study examined the moderating effect of BJW on the relationship between POPs and OJ and the moderating effect of LPS on the relationship between OJ and OCB. Data were collected from 283 employees from a number of companies. The result of this study showed that the relationship between POPs and OJ is significantly negative and the relationship between OJ and OCB is significantly positive. Also, OJ fully mediated the relationship between POP and OCB. And BJW didn't moderated the relationship between POPs and OJ. And LPS moderated the relationship between OJ and OCB. Finally, based on the results, the implication of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.
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