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The Effect of Servant Leadership on Employee Behaviors: Mediating Effects of Supervisory Trust and Organizational Trust


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of servant leadership on organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) and counter-productive behavior(CPB) through mediating variables of supervisory trust and organizational trust. In addition, a moderating effect of promotion focus of subordinate on the relationship between servant leadership and supervisory trust was examined. Data were collected form 205 employee who are working in various organizations in Korea. The results of structural equation analyses showed that servant leadership had a direct effect on supervisory trust, which then influences organizational trust, and then finally affects OCB and CPB. Promotion focus moderated the relationship between servant leadership and supervisor trust. Contrary to the hypothesis, however, the relationship between servant leadership and supervisor trust was stronger for the low promotion focus group. Finally, the implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research were discussed.

서번트 리더십, 상사신뢰, 조직신뢰, 조직시민행동, 반생산적 행동, 향상초점, 매개효과, 조절효과, servant leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, counter-productive behavior, supervisory trust, organizational trust, promotion focus, mediating effect, moderating effect



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