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ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study investigated the utilities of two types of item response process models(dominance model and ideal point model) for personality item parameter estimation and scoring. The authors developed scales for four personality traits(achievement, fairness, cooperation and honesty) using classical test theory, dominance item response theory(IRT) method, and ideal point IRT method and compared the methods in terms of model-data fit, information and criterion validity. Results show that the fit of ideal point IRT model was better than that of dominance IRT model, but the difference between the fit of two models was very slight. The test information functions of ideal point IRT model and dominance IRT model for honesty and cooperation scales were very similar. The criterion-related validity based on individual ability estimates and grades was not significant for the three methods but the validity for the ideal point method is not better than dominant IRT model. Implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.
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