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Latent Profile Analysis of Emotional Labor Strategies in subordinate roles: Group Differences in Antecedents and Job Effectiveness


The purpose of this study was to (1) confirm how employees utilize each regulation strategy of emotional labor(surface and deep acting) based on person-centered approach and (2) to examine determinants for each profile and the relationship between each profile and job effectiveness. A total of 507 employees working in a variety of different fields in Korea participated in an on-line survey. To identify sub-populations of emotional labor strategies in subordinate roles, latent profile analysis was adopted. The results indicated that five groups(surface actors, deep actors, non actors, low actors, regulators) were classified. In addition, each group was significantly distinguished by the antecedents of social stressor and leader trust, also related to various outcome variables(i.e., burn-out, job engagement, turn-over intention, felt-inauthenticity). These results showed how variables operate within people and shed light on variable-centered approach ignoring the possibility of distinct combinations of emotional regulation strategies. On the basis of the results, the implications and future research directions were discussed.

정서노동, 사람중심 접근, 잠재프로파일분석, 직무효과성, emotional labor, surface acting, deep acting, person-centered approach, latent profile analysis, antecedents, job effectiveness



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