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ISSN : 1229-0696
We examined the interactive effects of calling and competitive climate on the relationship between abusive supervision and turnover intention via organizational cynicism. We hypothesized that high levels of calling would strengthen, and high levels of competitive climate would mitigate, the negative indirect effects of abusive supervision on turnover intention via organizational cynicism. We conducted a survey using a sample of U.S. employees (N = 236) to test five hypotheses. As predicted, results demonstrate that under a high level of abusive supervision, individuals were more likely to become cynical about the organization, which in turn heightened turnover intention. Moderated mediation analyses found that calling exacerbated, but competitive climate attenuated, the mediating effect of organizational cynicism on the relationship between abusive supervision and turnover intention. Underlying mechanisms and implications, as well as avenues for future research, are discussed.
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