ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the fittness of a model that was proposed to measure overall organizational satisfaction which could be considered more broad concept than job satisfaction. The proposed model consisted of 9 factors which included 5 factors derived from JDI's subfactors and 4 other factors derived from relevant theoretical backgrounds. Thus, this study attempted to evaluate the fittness of the proposed model and the relationships among the factors in the model through covariance structure analysis. Subjects in this study consisted of 228 male and 519 female line workers in a large corporation and their average age was 21.37(sd=5.39). From the results of this study, it could be said that the proposed model had a moderate level of goodness of fit. Also, it was revealed that the factors in the model were meaningfully and complicately related to one another and to the organizational satisfaction.