ISSN : 1229-067X
In the present study we applied the logic of domain-referenced testing to develop Korean Public Service Aptitude Test. Most of tests developed by psychologists can be categorized into norm-referenced tests. In contrast, we developed a domain-referenced test following the logic of discrete model "having a cut-off score and selection ratio. The applicants are separated into two groups by the cut score(80% correct) and the proportion of passing applicants should be 10% ~ 15%. Applying the Rasch model of item response theory, we set an appropriate level of difficulty for items satisfying the two conditions for the test: 80% correct as the cut score, selection ratio 10% ~ 15%. The reliability of the test was defined by the conditions imposed by the test user. The validity of the test is limited to construct validity(convergent/divergent validity), leaving the examination of criterion validity for the follow-up study. Both reliability and validity were acceptable, although they were not outstanding.