ISSN : 1229-067X
The present study aims to critically review previous studies on the psychological approaches to art and make some suggestions that can help to activate further studies on this issue. First, psychological studies on art should pay more attention to the issue of artistic creativity. They have focused on artistic experiences, with little attention to the aspect of artistic creation. Second, artistic experiences concerning aesthetic objects should be explored in a wider range. In order to enable psychology of art to serve as a good basis for understanding culture and art, the definition of artistic experiences should be extended from mere pleasure to a whole effect of an aesthetic object. Third, more various research methods should be employed. Psychological studies on the arts should go beyond heavy reliance on quantitative analysis based upon empirical experiments and widely employ a phenomenological method and an in-depth qualitative analysis using a single subject. Lastly, interdisciplinary studies among psychology, aesthetics, philosophy and art should be activated. Complementing theoretical background knowledge about philosophy, aesthetics and art from empirical data about artistic experiences will facilitate and enrich studies in psychology of art.
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