ISSN : 1229-067X
The study was to identify gender attitudes toward others, gender typing of self, and the relations between gender typing of others and self in 582 college students, which were 165 male students and 292 female students of colleges, and 125 female students of a college for women. The questionnaires were given to assess gender attitudes toward others and the self perception in three domains: occupations, activities, and traits. Female students had more egalitarian gender attitudes than male students across domains. In gender typing of self both male and female students showed gender-typed self-endorsement. Examination of the relations between gender typing of others and self showed that the flexibility of gender schema appeared among female students. Those female students who had more egalitarian gender attitudes toward masculine occupations and activities showed greater endorsement of masculine items for self. Those female students who had more egalitarian gender attitudes toward masculine occupations, activities, or traits showed less endorsement of feminine items for self. Factor analysis of the items of others and self measures revealed the three meaningful factors, which were gender attitudes, feminine self, and masculine self. Although the factor loadings varied slightly in the three groups of college students, the three factors were identical for the three groups.
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