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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Development of Diagnostic Scale of Internet Addiction for Private Class in Korean Military

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2007, v.26 no.2, pp.307-328


The purpose of this study was to measure tendencies of internet addiction in privates class of Korean armed forces and to develop a measuring scale of it. For these purposes, first, we surveyed privates (N=454) who were sampled from a couple of Army infantry divisions to develop sample items of the internet addition scale. Second, pilot survey(N=900) was conducted to explore factor structure of the collected 134 items through the first survey. Finally, main survey data was collected from 1,905 privates of Korean Army, Navy, and Air Force. Final scale, i.e., 'Diagnostic Scale of Internet Addition Tendencies in Military Private Class', has sixty-one items and is consisted with three sections. The first section has twenty items which were mostly adopted from Lee et al.'s (2005) scale and measures personal history of network addition before being enlisted. The second part has thirty-three items and measures psychological vulnerability of a person to internet addiction such as loneliness, self-efficacy, and self-control. The final section which consists of eight items measures substitutive behaviors and desires which related to internet addiction. Based on self-inventory scores on the scale, we classified privates into three groups: risky, latent, and normal groups. The scale will be useful in diagnosing current state of military privates who had been addicted to internet usage and contribute to prevent malignant accidents which may be caused by privates who were addicted to internet usage.

인터넷 중독, 심리적 취약성, 중독관련 대체행태, 외로움, 자기효능감, 통제력, Internet Addition, Psychological Vulnerability, Addiction-related Substitutive Behaviors, Loneliness, Self-efficacy, Self-control



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General