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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Limitations of Mini Mental State Examination in Assessing Cognitive Functions of Korean Older Adults

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2008, v.27 no.3, pp.859-874


The aim of the present study was to investigate limitations of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in assessing cognitive functions of Korean older adults. The participants were 20 older adults living alone (Group I), 20 older adults living at nursing home (Group Ⅱ), and 20 older adults living at home (Group Ⅲ). All participants were administered MMSE and Cognition Scale for Older Adults (CSOA). There were two main findings. First, when MMSE was used as the assessing instrument, the 3 groups were not significantly different in cognitive functions and in the proportion of participants classified as having cognitive impairment. The cutoff score that did not reflect testee’s age and education level yielded a less accurate classification result than the cutoff score that reflected testee’s age and education level Second, when CSOA was used as the assessing instrument, Group I and Ⅱ were significantly lower in several cognitive functions and had a higher proportion of participants with cognitive impairment relative to Group Ⅲ. Group I and Ⅱ are known to be a high-risk group for cognitive impairment. Thus, the finding of no significant group differences in MMSE scores suggests limitations of an abbreviated cognitive scale in assessing cognitive functions of Korean older adults. The finding of significant group differences in CSOA scores suggests efficiency of a comprehensive cognitive scale. In conclusion, cognitive functions of Korean older adults can be more properly assessed by a comprehensive cognitive scale than by an abbreviated scale.

MMSE, dementia, cognitive function, cognitive test, neuropsychological test, MMSE, dementia, cognitive function, cognitive test, neuropsychological test, MMSE, 치매, 인지기능, 인지검사, 신경심리검사



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General