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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

A Phenomenological Investigation of Homeroom Teachers' Experiences on Bullying

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2009, v.28 no.1, pp.167-188


This study was conducted to investigate school teachers' experiences regarding bullying incidents in their own homerooms. Most bullying occurs in schools and thus teachers are essential to intervention efforts. However, research on bullying did not investigate the voice of teachers. Therefore, this study investigated the school teachers' experiences on bullying in their homerooms. A purposeful sampling approach was used to generate information-rich cases that illuminated the study and elucidated variation as well as significant common patterns with in that variation. Criteria for inclusion were to have bullying incidents in their homerooms in recent 2 years. Nine teachers, seven females and two males, participated in this study. Five of them worked at elementary schools and four of them worked at secondary schools. Each case was idiosyncratic but shared commonalities. Teachers did not recognize bullying phenomena until the victim was extremely suffered. Teachers lose their confidence as a classroom manager since they realized their limit and did not know how to intervene. Teachers investigated the bullying phenomena and stopped violent actions of bullies. Teachers referred victims to professional counselors. After experiencing bullying, teachers were always alert regarding bullying and observed all students, and asked once in a while student leader about classroom atmosphere. Teachers also helped potential victims to have a friend. Their prevention efforts were rewarded as no bullying after all, but teachers were always anxious that bullying might happen again. They lost their confidence because of bullying incidents and tried to recover their confidence as a classroom manager through entering graduate programs in counseling and joining teachers' networks. The results of this study were discussed as moral and psychosocial education regarding bullying and tolerance about individual differences. Also this study discussed the role of school counselors.

bullying, homeroom teacher, prevention, school counselor, 집단 괴롭힘, 교사의 경험, 질적 연구, 현상학적 방법, 전문상담교사, bullying, homeroom teacher, prevention, school counselor



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General