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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

Individual Differences in the Brain Activation for Emotional Processing by Attentional Control

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2009, v.28 no.1, pp.83-101

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The main objective of the present study is to investigate whether individual differences in attentional control can modulate orienting response to unexpected emotional stimuli. Event-related potentials(ERPs) were recorded during a visual three-stimulus oddball paradigm. According to the score of Attentional Control Questionnaire(ACQ), the participants were divided into high or low attentional control(AC) groups. Simple geometric figures served as standard or target stimuli, and threat or neutral pictures as deviant emotional stimuli. Participants performed a perceptually difficult standard/target discrimination task with which deviant emotional stimuli were presented infrequently. Both AC groups showed a significantly larger amplitude at the anterior area in N2 and P3a to threat and neutral stimuli. In the result of P3b, the high AC group showed a larger amplitude to threat stimulus than to neutral stimulus. However, there was no significant difference of P3b amplitude in the low AC group. These results suggest that the attentional control of individual modulates emotion-related brain activation at the processing of context or memory update.

주의조절, 개인차, 사건관련전위, N2, P3a/b, attentional control, individual difference, event-related potential, N2, P3a/b



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General