ISSN : 1229-067X
본 연구는 Wickens 등이 제시한 RPI paradigm을 적용시켜 처리수준 기억모형에서 제시되고 있는 각 정보처리수준의 깊이와 그 위계관계를 검토하기 위하여 두 가지 실험을 하였다. 실험 1에서는 구조적 처리수준과 의미적 처리수준간의 變移에 따라서 RPI현상이 일어나는가를 확인하고, 실험 2에서는 의미적 처리수준내의 몇가지 정보처리 차원간(평가, 능성, 활동성)에도 이러한 RPI현상이 일어나는가를 탐색코자 하였다. 그 결과 (1) 동일 처리수준에서 정보처리가 몇 시행 계속 반복되면 전진금지현상이 일어나고, (2) 정보처리수준의 급속한 變移가 생기면 RPI현상이 나타나며, (3) 이러한 현상은 구조적 처리와 의미적 처리같은 처리수준간 뿐만아니라 의미적 처리수준내의 정보, 처리차원간에도 동일하게 나타나고 있다. 그러나, (4) 처리수준 또는 하위처리차원간의 變移의 방향에 따라 일어나는 RPI율은 차이가 없고 RPI효과는 대칭적인 관계를 보이고 있다. 따라서 (5) 회상량은 처리수준의 깊이나 명세성의 정도같은 요인뿐만 아니라 정보의 처리, 저장, 인출과정에서 작용하는 제반 맥락적 요인의 함수관계에 비추어 검토되어져야 할 것으로 보인다.
One of the difficulties of the framework of levels-of-processing approach to memory is associated with the absence of an independent index of processing depth. As an attempt to identify levels of processing and to find a possible index of levels of processing, the release from proactive inhibition (RPI) paradigm was examined within a framework of the levels-of-processing view of memory. Two experiments were undertaken to examine (1) whether a shift in levels of processing (structural-semantic) would produce a RPI, (2) whether a shift in dimensions within a given level of semantic processing (action-potency-evaluation judgement) would produce a RPI, and (3) whether the nature and amount of RPI would be functionally associated with levels of processing. In Experiment 1, two levels (structural and semantic) of processing were included to examine whether a shift in. level of processing would produce a RPI. On Trial 1-3, five words for each trial were exposed one at a time under either structural processing instruction (letter identification) or semantic processing instruction (category judgement). On Trial 4, a shift in level of processing was instructed. On each trial the sbujects were required to recall the stimulus words unexpectedly. Semantic processing produced a significantly higher recall performance than structural processing. The recall performance decreased significantly over trials 1-3. For the data on Trial d, a significant main effect of Shift variable was found, suggesting that a reliable RPI was obtained following a shift in level of processing. le Experiment 2,three processing dimensions within semantic level of processing (active-passive, strong-weak, and pleasant-unpleasant judgement) were included to examine whether a shift in dimension of processing would also produce a RPI. The task and procedure were the same as those for Experiment 1, except for the processing instructions. There was a significant decrease in recall performance over trials 1-3. For the data on Trial 4, there was a significant increase in performance following a shift in dimension of processing. The above findings were discussed with in the levels-of-processing view of memory. It was concluded that the RPI paradigm could be used in order to identify different levels of processing and dimensions within levels of processing. However, further work will be necessary to state whether the direction or degree of RPI following shift in levels of processing is also functionally related with any hierachical ordering of processing levels.