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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Development of Korean Gambling Behavior Scale-H: A Scale for Inquiry of Problematic Gambling

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.4, pp.1053-1082


The purpose of this study was to develop Korean Gambling Behavior Scale(KGBS)-H for conducting research on problematic gambling. To develop the scale, we identified limitations of the existing scales used in Korea now, and then selected several constructs to be measured by the new scale, integrating theoretical approach and experiential approach. First, we collected items included in the existing gambling addiction scales, 32 behavioral features of gamblers obtained from many sources such as literature review, second handed data of individual interviews with 33 gamblers, and our focus group interviews with counselors, G.A. members and gamblers’ families. Through the item development process, we could get 143 items. Excluding overlapping items, 78 items were used for the preliminary survey of gamblers and undergraduates. And then we selected 53 items for main study through item analysis, item selection, and addition of new items. After the main survey for 581 gamblers, we selected 32 items for H scale. We identified 3 factors through exploratory factor analysis. The factors was labeled as ‘influences of reinforcing factors’, ‘control difficulty’, and ‘preoccupation and damages’. In this process, we found that one item has low correlations with other items, so we decided finally 31 items as the KGBS-H scale. Since the correlations among 3 factors were very high, we proposed a simplex model of gambling behavior. Actually, the model fit of the simplex model was good. In addition, we demonstrated concurrent validity and convergent/discriminant validity of the H scale. Lastly, we discussed the implications and the limitations of this study.

도박중독, H척도, 척도개발, 도박행동 변별, 단일체모형, gambling problems, H scale, scale development, gambling problems, H scale, scale development



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General