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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Influence of Life Events Stress on Depression: Personal and Spiritual Meaning as Moderator

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.4, pp.1039-1051


This study was designed to examine the moderating effect of meaning in life in the relationship between life events stress and depression. In this study, meaning in life was classified into personal meaning and spiritual meaning as Mascaro and Rosen (2006) suggested. A total of 210 university students participated by completing Life Stress Scale for College Students, Life Regard Index-Framework, Spiritual Meaning Scale, and Depression Questionnaire. The results revealed that only spiritual meaning, but not personal meaning, moderates the relationship between life events stress and depression. That is, strength of the relationship between stress and depression differs with the level of spiritual meaning. High level of spiritual meaning in life can buffer against the effect of life events stress on depression. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

삶의 의미, 개인적 의미, 영적 의미, 스트레스, 우울, meaning in life, personal meaning, spiritual meaning, life events stress, depression



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General