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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Developing Korean Wisdom Scale

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2011, v.30 no.4, pp.1231-1253


The present research is aimed at developing the wisdom scale that is based on korean's wisdom concept and testing its reliability and validity. The purpose of study 1 is to develop a wisdom scale to measure wisdom of Korean people. To do so we selected items necessary for the development of a wisdom scale, integrating theoretical approach and experiential approach. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, KMWS was developed. Wisdom was operationalized as a construct with 'cognitive competency', 'moderation and balance', 'positive life attitude', 'sympathetic interpersonal relationship'. The study 2 was conducted to test reliability and validity of the scale. Results indicated that KMWS has excellent reliability(test-retest = .86: Cronbach's Alpha= .90). And wisdom was positively related with life satisfaction(r=.48, p<.01), well-being(r=.65, p<.01), .01), positive emotion experiences(r=.32, p<.01), by contrast wisdom was negatively related with depression(r=-.14, p<.01), negative emotion experiences(r=-.24, p<.01). Results indicated that the KMWS can be considered a reliable and valid instrument in large surveys of Korean populations.

지혜, 지혜 척도, KMWS, 인지적 역량, 절제와 균형, 긍정적 인생태도, 공감적 대인관계, wisdom, wisdom scale, KMWS, cognitive competency, moderation and balance, positive life attitude, sympathetic interpersonal relationship



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General