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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Development of the Stress Diagnostic Scale on Samples of Korean Military Personnel

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2012, v.31 no.2, pp.345-367


Main purpose of this study is to develop a diagnostic questionnaire for Korean soldiers to predict accident-related behaviors such as suicide, physical violence, and desertion from barracks by measuring one's causes and current level of stresses, and stress reactions. To achieve these research purposes, we conducted this study with three steps. In the first step, we reviewed prior studies on stress which were conducted with civilian samples and identified potential causes of stress in military setting. In the second step, we composed a preliminary questionnaire of 178 items based on our stress model and carried out a pilot study with 1,500 soldiers of Korean Armed forces. With this result, we selected final items for the main study. In the final step, survey data were collected from 3,690 privates who were sampled from Korean Armed forces. Final version of our questionnaire contains 87 items and it is composed with three variable groups which have seventeen sub-scales. In addition, validation of the diagnostic questionnaire was tested by comparing the results from normal soldier group with those from soldiers(N=53) who were prisoned in Army jail by committing in a violation of law. The results show that there are significant differences between the normal group and the prisoned group in most of the sub-scales. Therefore, we concluded that the Stress Diagnostic Scale is a valid tool in predicting one's possibility of committing in a violation of law or an accident.

causes and current level of stresses, stress reactions, accident-related behavior, stress diagnostic scale, 스트레스 원인, 스트레스 반응, 사고행동, 스트레스 진단 척도, causes and current level of stresses, stress reactions, accident-related behavior, stress diagnostic scale



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General