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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

Impact of Autonomy and Mindfulness on Adolescents' Motivation for Game Regulations and Problematic Game Use

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2013, v.32 no.4, pp.903-930


This research assumes autonomy and mindfulness as major variables for enhancing autonomous motivation to regulate games among adolescents, and verifies their relationship through survey research and experimental research. Study 1 aims at exploring whether the relationships among experience of autonomy, motivation for game regulations, problematic game use and mindfulness, which are proposed in this Study, can be practically applied through survey research. In the former part of Study 1, a model for the impact of autonomy experience on problematic game use with a mediation of motivation for game regulations was verified through structural equation model analysis. According to the results of survey research with 681 adolescents, in a model of predicting problematic game use, mediating effects of all paths and autonomous motivation were significant. All these findings showed that experience of autonomy improves autonomous motivation for regulating games, and reduces problematic game use significantly. In the latter part of Study 1, a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to verify whether mindfulness increases autonomous motivation to regulate games by regulating autonomy experience. The results showed a significant interaction effect between autonomy and mindfulness. In other words, high mindfulness enhances autonomous motivation to regulate games by increasing the effect of autonomy experience. In Study 2, through the experiment on the relationship between variables that were confirmed in Study 1, proofs for causality were added. A research was carried out for adolescents with problematic game use to examine whether these variables can be practically applied to the prevention and therapy in the future for the purpose of enhancing motivation to regulate games. The impact of autonomy and mindfulness experience on autonomous motivation for game regulations, interest and value evaluation were investigated. For 44 adolescents who took part in a group program for improving game addiction, major effects of autonomy and mindfulness and the interaction effects between autonomy and mindfulness were investigated. According to results of the study, the interaction effect between autonomy and mindfulness experience on autonomous motivation was significant. In the case of high level of mindfulness experience, the higher the autonomy experience was, the higher was the autonomous motivation to regulate games. The detailed results were discussed in relation to previous studies and clinical interventions.

자기결정이론, 자율성, 마음챙김, 게임 조절 동기, Self-determination theory, Autonomy, Mindfulness, Motivation for Game Regulation



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General