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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Emotional Distress and Fear of Contagion Related to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) on General Public in Korea

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2016, v.35 no.2, pp.355-383


The purpose of this study was to investigate the emotional distress, fear of contagion, non-dailiness, public government trust, media usage and credibility, and public awareness related to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) on general public in South Korea. Furthermore, the influence of individual characteristics variables and social variables on emotional distress and fear of contagion related to MERS were examined. Present study found that 90% of the respondents feared about chances of their own or/and their family being infected by MERS, and 46% of respondents experienced emotional distress during the MERS outbreak. Logistic regression analysis identified three factors as being significantly associated with increased fear of contagion of their own and/or their family: perception of not being protected by government, feeling of helpless under uncontrollable circumstance, non-dailiness which limits going out, and using public transportation. A sense of helplessness, and non-dailiness were identified as being significantly associated with the emotional distress, and the quality of life is significantly related to decrease the presence of emotional distress. The implications and limitations of these results are discussed.

메르스, 일반대중, 감염에 대한 두려움, 정서적 디스트레스, 비일상성, 국가신뢰, 매체이용 빈도 및 매체신뢰, 대중인식, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS), Fear of contagion related to MERS, emotional distress, use of media, public perception



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General