ISSN : 1229-067X
This study is an analysis of the present state of affairs about the suicide to be developed and to be carried out to the public induced by the major news media, occurring in present-day society called risk society. Research purpose is to suggest the development of the healthy discourse through an interdisciplinary approach and the establishment of the suicide prevention policy. For the purpose of the analysis, Suicide related articles through the five major daily newspapers were chosen. Text analysis, discourse analysis, and social analysis by the critical discourse analysis of the Fairclough were used. The results indicated that first, discourse on medicine including mental health and treatment for depression was the main issue of the production of discourse by using the text and discourse analysis. As time goes on, policies for social security and suicide occurred with the Social Implication simultaneously. Second, the social analysis showed that monopolistic discourse on medicine without any introspection about the medical problem made the suicide discourses to be fragment. Third, although the changes of government policy and frequent mention of social safety is noted, practical measures for suicide are lacking. And finally, discourse on medicine had a negative impact on the public and social integration through the citizenship investigation for the suicide
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