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성장지향성 척도개발 및 타당화

Development and Validation of the Growth Orientation Scale

한국심리학회지: 일반 / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2018, v.37 no.1, pp.1-31
경일수 (광운대학교)
서은영 (광운대학교)
김혜균 (광운대학교)
탁진국 (광운대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Growth Orientation Scale(GOS). 53 items and 6 factors of the GOS were obtained based on questionnaires from expert. the preliminary on-line surveys from persons was carried to analyze factor structure of the GOS. The final result showed that the 5 factor model with 34 items was appropriate. Finally, to test validity of the GOS, the main on-line survey was carried that the questionnaires were collected from 986 persons across a wide divided into two sub-groups (each group with 493 persons). The results of factor analyses with group 1 showed that the 5-factor model with 28 items was appropriate. Also, the results of confirmatory factor analysis with group 2 showed that the 5-factor model fit the data well. Final 5 factors were as follows: 1) intelligent belief 2) process-oriented performance attitude 3) resilience 4) fate belief 5) talent belief. The GOS was significantly correlated with various criteria such as life satisfaction, subjective happiness, self-efficacy, mindsets and learning goal orientation. Finally, implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future study were discussed.

growth orientation, growth orientation scale, validation, 성장지향성, 성장지향성 척도, 타당화



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한국심리학회지: 일반