ISSN : 1229-067X
The purpose of this study is to introduce George Kelly's Personal Construct Psychology(PCP), a subset of constructivist psychology, and the Repertory Grid Technique(Repgrid). Then, we intended to discuss the applications and availability, limitations of Repgrid. In terms of PCP, humans construe the meaning of life by forming, testing, and revising their own personal construct system of their world. Each individual creates constructs of how the world is construed, and applies it to reality. This theory provides a useful picture of a person because it helps us to understand the person's personality, the inner world, and the meaning of the individual. Repgrid technique is a structured interview technique, assessment tool, psychotherapeutic technique, and research methodology that is developed to explore the personal construct system. This technique provides idiosyncratic information in the content of construct system, and quantifiable measures of construct system in the cognitive structure. Repgrid technique is performed in four steps: Design phase - Administration Phase - Mathematical Analysis - Interpretation Phase. To assist in practical understanding, we described the definitions and examples of elements, constructs and rating,and used a case studied by Leach et al (2001). For analysis of the grid data, we conducted OpenRepGrid. Then, we represented and described the measurements and indices produced in OpenRepGrid with tables and figures. Finally, we discussed the availability and limitations of Repgrid technique.
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