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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Biopsychological Perspective on Understanding of Behavioral Addiction: Consolidating Polyvagal Theory and Motivational Balancing Theory

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2018, v.37 no.4, pp.503-530
Sung-Man Shin (Handong Global University)
Myung-Jun Park (Handong Global University)


Recently, it has been found that the concept of addiction can be broadly applied from substance abuse to diverse areas of behavior and be relevant with the biological, psychological and social aspects so, models that already explained addiction behavior has a limitation in reflecting and explaining the facts that are mentioned above. Therefore, this study suggests the polyvagal theory and motivational balancing theory in order to explain behavioral addiction in a biopsychological balancing perspective. Specifically, it explained that the continuous increase of the stress and the efforts of the relieving it can affect the deterioration and maintenance of addictive behavior based on the polyvagal theory. Also, it described how the imbalance of human's basic needs such as autonomy, relatedness, competence and sense of goal can be related with the addiction behavior based on the motivational balancing theory. To sum up, perspective and specific model are suggested that when the addictive behavior is executed in order to achieve a short-term motivational balance, the allostatic load of the individual does not decrease, and thus the need for psychological motivation balance increases, which in turn leads to behavioral addiction. Finally, based on the physio-psychological balancing perspective on behavioral addiction study suggests the needs for the intervention that covers the biological, psychological and social aspects in clinical and counseling circumstances.

behavioral addiction, polyvagal theory, motivational balancing theory
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